Belle E., Shi Y., and Bertzky B. (2014) Comparative Analysis Methodology for World Heritage nominations under biodiversity criteria: A contribution to the IUCN evaluation of natural World Heritage nominations. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK and IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
One of IUCN’s roles under the World Heritage Convention is to provide technical advice on natural heritage to the World Heritage Committee in relation to the evaluation of new nominations to the World Heritage List.
The IUCN World Heritage (WH) Panel, made of conservation experts, meets at least once a year to conduct an evaluation of all nominations of natural and mixed properties to the WH List, leading to a panel recommendation on the IUCN position in relation to each new nomination. The Panel also provides comments to the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) in relation to nominations of cultural landscapes to the WH List, provides advice in support of IUCN’s contribution to the annual cycle of State of Conservation Reports on inscribed WH sites, and input to the development of IUCN’s work on WH.
Only sites nominated under the natural criteria (vii) to (x) are evaluated by IUCN for inscription on the WH List. For sites nominated under biodiversity criteria, criteria (ix) and (x), UNEP-WCMC provides comparative analyses to help inform IUCN’s recommendations based on the agreed methodology developed jointly by IUCN and UNEP-WCMC and outlined in this report.